Thursday, February 7, 2008

Caroline - Murmurs Mixes (itunes exclusive)

My first reaction upon receiving this particular release was that Temporary Residence had completely cut its budget for packaging. (The disc was a black image on a shiny-top cd in a plain, artless jewel case.) Thirty seconds later, as I read the press release, I was even more shocked to find out that this label that I have followed attentively for years was going digital, with an album that is only to be released on iTunes. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but it seemed out of character for a label that advised its fans to burn their copies of Explosions in the Sky's All of the Sudden I Miss Everyone when it made it to the top-seller charts. However, my initial reaction was completely turned to immediate relief as I pressed play for the first track.

Caroline has one of the most angelic voices to see the light of day that I have encountered in a long time, and her debut, Murmurs is one of the most intoxicating vocal albums of recent history, and has somehow still managed to go unnoticed by many. Luckily those "in the know" have been following and enjoying this album for awhile now and if, like me, they are eagerly awaiting a follow-up, this collection of innovative and intimate remixes will do wonderfully to tide them over while she works on more music in the future.

As usual with Temporary Residence, these remixes are not just gimmicky uses of a chorus and musical excerpt thrown over a dance beat. These are legitimate, beautiful re-workings of the songs that reflect talented, focused efforts and as much care as is possible while working to reflect an idea that is not originally that of the artists at hand. These remixes serve as beautifully composed musical cushions, on which the crystal tone of Caroline's voice rests. It really is a shame that this is a digital-only release, seeing as this would be an album that I would cherish on vinyl. Honestly though, for all the purists out there, this collection of heavenly music is worth braving iTunes, and if I was in a different position, might push me to actually download an album, which I have never considered seriously before now.

9.2/10 more information and ordering at

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